NZ Formulary



What does it do?

Pancreatin helps food digestion by replacing the enzymes usually made by the pancreas.

Before you start

  • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to pork, have stomach or bowel problems, or have had kidney stones or pancreatitis.
  • Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.

How should you take it?

Take pancreatin as directed with each meal or snack, and a glass of water. You can swallow the capsules whole, or open and sprinkle the beads on soft foods. Do NOT crush or chew the beads.

What if you forget a dose?

Should an occasional dose be missed it need not be taken later.

Can you take other medicines?

Some medicines available without a prescription may react with pancreatin including:

  • antacids (e.g. Mylanta®) - do not take these within two hours of taking pancreatin.

Tell your pharmacist or doctor about all medicines or treatments that you may be taking, including vitamins, herbal products or recreational drugs.

What side effects might you notice?

Side EffectsRecommended action

Skin rash, itching

Trouble breathing

Trouble peeing, pain when peeing

Tell your doctor immediately

Stomach upset

Sore or itchy eyes

Sore mouth

Tell your doctor if troublesome

If you notice any other effects, discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist.

Other information:

  • Avoid sprinkling the contents of capsules onto dairy products.