NZ Formulary

Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) - tablets

What does it do?

As you go through menopause, you produce less of the hormone oestrogen. MHT replaces this hormone. MHT tablets can either have only oestrogen, or can have both oestrogen and progestogen. Oestrogen treats symptoms of menopause and helps prevent weak bones (osteoporosis). Progestogen protects the lining of your uterus (womb) while you are taking oestrogen. If you have had a hysterectomy (your uterus has been removed) then you only need to take oestrogen.

Before you start

  • Tell your doctor if you have heart, liver, or gallbladder problems, migraines, diabetes, or if you smoke.
  • Women taking MHT may have a small increased risk of breast cancer, blood clots, stroke and heart attacks. Tell your doctor if you, or someone in your family, has ever had any of these problems.

How should you take it?

Take MHT regularly as directed with a glass of water.

What if you forget a dose?

If it is nearly time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the usual time. Otherwise, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Do not take two doses at the same time.

Can you take other medicines?

Tell your pharmacist or doctor about all medicines or treatments that you may be taking, including vitamins, herbal products (e.g. St John's wort) or recreational drugs.

Important information continues on next page.

What side effects might you notice?

Side EffectsRecommended action

Symptoms of a blood clot including: sudden shortness of breath, swelling or pain in one leg

Symptoms of a stroke including: sudden weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side, face drooping, sudden changes in vision or speech, sudden loss of balance

Severe headache

Chest pain

Tell your doctor immediately

Unexpected vaginal bleeding

Tell your doctor

Headache, mood changes

Sore or enlarged breasts

Weight gain, swollen feet or legs

Dry eyes, brown patches on the face

Stomach upset, stomach cramps, bloating

Vaginal itch/discharge

Tell your doctor if troublesome

If you notice any other effects, discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist.

Other information:

  • If you are having surgery, it is important to tell your doctor that you are taking MHT.
  • MHT does not protect against pregnancy. You can still get pregnant up to 1 year after your last period if you are older than 50, or up to 2 years if you are under 50. Talk to your doctor about contraception options.
  • MHT is also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT).